• Welcome to Hope Alive Campus
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  • Sanctuary/Classroom
  • Hope Alive Sanctuary


WWelcome to the Hope Alive Transformational Ministry Website!

We're glad you're here and please come back often to stay up to date on

what God is doing at Hope Alive!


e Hope Alive Transformational Ministry Website!


  • Hope Alive Program Update

    We want to take a moment to apologize for the lack of updates on our website. Please know that Hope Alive is still active and fully committed to serving our community. We appreciate your patience and support during this time. Moving forward, we will be updating our website regularly with news and updates from the ministry. Thank you for standing with us as we continue this important work! Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, we appreciate your prayers and support.

  • Graduation September 30th, 2023

    Hope Alive celebrated another graduation on Saturday, September 30th, 2023.

    Pictured is speaker and former graduate - Richard McCaskill; Director - Danny Ward; and former graduate and speaker - Randal Craig. 

    Two 6-month graduates - Brandon Allen and Blane McChristian (pictures in feature photos) were presented certificates of completion. Brandon has chosen to stay on as a volunteer for Hope Alive ministries and we were honored to have two of our former graduates - Richard and Randal to speak and bring the message to graduates, guests, and all attendees.

    The celebration was held at the Hope Alive campus and refreshments were served afterwards for graduates, current residents, staff, and family and friends.

    Congratulations to Brandon and Allen and a huge thank you to all those on site and behind the scenes that makes this possible and most of all thank God for HIS continued blessings on the ministry as lives are changed, families are reconciled, and needs are always fulfilled and met.


  • 3 More Graduate from Hope Alive!

    Hope Alive Transformational Ministries hosted another graduation ceremony on Saturday, July 22, 2023 at Forte Reach Church located in Hattieville, AR!

    The event was well attended and graduates included: Kevin Keener - 6-month graduate; Mason Sutton - 6-month graduate; and Gary Brannon - 1-year graduate. Congrats to all and may God continue to bless each of you on your journey of continued recovery. 

    The ceremony was opened with prayer; praise and worship; message by board member Dr. Larry Pillow; presentation of certificates by director Danny Ward; and closed with message of thankfulness and prayer by chairman Brad Underwood.

    Current residents attended the ceremony as well as former graduates and all were supported and represented by family and friends in attendance.  The meal enjoyed afterwards was provided by Forte Reach Church and thank you to all that attended and each and every person that encourages and supports the Hope Alive Ministry!

    May God bless you and yours today and always

  • Graduation March 11th, 2023

    Hope Alive held graduation for three residents on Saturday, March 11th, 2023.

    The event was hosted by Houston Baptist Church and was well attended.

    The ceremony included praise and worship led by resident David Williamson; Welcome and opening prayer by resident director, Danny Ward; and the message was shared by Jeremy Williams, pastor of Houston Baptist Church and vice-chair of Hope Alive Transformational Ministries.

    Paul Sewell, resident supervisor, presented certificates to 6-month graduate - Brady Tucker and 1-year graduates Joshua Harris and Johnathon Freeman, Jr. 

    Fellowship and a meal provided by Houston Baptist Church followed the ceremony and we'd like to congratulate all of our graduates and may God continue to bless and keep you in HIS will.

    Thank you to all that attended the ceremony and to each individual, business, church, organizations, etc. that makes it possible for us to daily fulfil our goal and mission of helping those caught up in addiction to begin a relationship with Christ and receive healing from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May God continue to always receive the honor and glory!

  • 5 Graduate from Hope Alive!

    Graduation ceremonies for five graduates was held on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022!

    The ceremony was hosted by Lonoke Missionary Baptist Church in Overcup, AR and was well attended and enjoyed by Hope Alive staff, board members, graduates, current residents, families, friends and guests. Refreshments were provided by Tommy Pate and the Bunk crew and cake was provided by Hope Alive Ministries for fellowship afterwards at the Hope Alive campus in the activity center.

    Congratulations and best wishes to: 1-year graduates: Chance Morgan, Ronald Lowe, and Randal Craig....6-month graduates included: Steve Walley and James Story.  

    Thanks so much to all who contribute in any way and help to allow Hope Alive Ministries to fulfill our mission of helping men to be set free from their addictions, but to also equip them to become Godly men, faithful husbands, loving fathers, committed church members, and responsible working citizens of the community. 

    And may God receive all the honor and glory! 

  • Hope Alive Receives Community Grant

    Hope Alive recently received a community grant from Walmart #8 located in Morrilton, Arkansas.

    The Walmart Community Grant Program is highly competitive and receives more than 150,000 applications each year.  So, we are extremely pleased and very blessed to be awarded $2,000 from the program.

    Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are committed to providing opportunities to improve the communities they serve, and Hope Alive Ministries strives to do the same.

    Hope Alive is a cooperative effort of various churches, businesses, leaders and concerned citizens that seek to bring the light of the Gospel into the dark world of addiction. We are a 6 month to 1-year residential program for men, where they will be introduced to the love, forgiveness, and healing found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Our goal is not only to set men free from their addictions, but to equip them to become godly men, faithful husbands, loving fathers, committed church members, and responsible working citizens of the community.

    Thank you, Walmart for supporting us and helping us to fulfill our goals and Christ's plan!

  • Hope Alive Graduation Ceremony for 8 residents!

    Hope Alive Transformational Ministries held a graduation ceremony for 8 residents on Saturday, April 4th, 2022. The celebration was hosted by the First Baptist Church of Oppelo and was well attended.

    The ceremony began with prayer and worship followed by: a video presentation of graduates participating in various activities; a short devotional led by pastor/teacher Russ Rhoden; presentation of certificates by director Danny Ward and resident supervisor Paul Sewell; and each graduate shared a short testimony with the congregation.

    The program ended with Hope Alive chairman Brad Underwood closing in prayer followed by food and fellowship for all attendees.

    Pictured from left to right are:

    Back row: Volunteer Ray Holden; Former graduate and helper Kyle Smith; Chairman Brad Underwood; Teacher Russ Rhoden; Work program contributor Tommy Pate; and Volunteer Vic Trevino

    Second row: Director Danny Ward; Resident Supervisor Paul Sewell; former graduate and now volunteer Larry Miller; 6-month graduate Tim Harrison; and Teacher Dusty Day

    Front row: Phase Two one-year graduate Colton Huggins; 6-month graduate Byron Griffin; Phase Two one-year graduate Ray Graham; 6-month graduate Sebastian Casteel; 6-month graduate Brad Riley; and 6-month graduate Joshua Sullivan. (Not pictured is graduate Shelby Willhite.)

    Thanks so much to the community; church affiliations; work program contributors; individual supporters; volunteers and helpers; board members; and staff for being a part of what God is doing at the Hope Alive Transformational Ministry Program.

    Lives are being changed; families reconciled; and God has and continues to bless us all!

  • Residents visit with Senator Jason Rapert

    Hope Alive residents had a great day and the opportunity to visit with Senator Jason Rapert on Sunday, March 13th, at Forte Reach Church on the hill at Hattieville, Arkansas!


  • Three Graduates in February, 2022!

    On Saturday, February 26th, Hope Alive Ministries hosted graduation for three residents.

    Pictured from left to right is:

    Hope Alive Chairman: Brad Underwood

    Board Member: Dr. Larry Pillow

    Phase Two Graduate and now resident supervisor: Paul Sewell

    Hope Alive Director: Danny Ward

    6-month graduate: Larry Miller and

    6-month graduate: Joshua Golleher

    Congratulations Paul, Larry, and Joshua!


  • Restoration!

    Paul Alan Sewell voluntarily entered the Hope Alive Transformational Ministry Program on January 11, 2021. He participated whole heartedly in the program and volunteered at Haynes Home Center as part of the Hope Alive Community Work Program. He completed his initial 6-month commitment on July 11th, 2021, and entered into the Phase Two program on August 4th. This allowed him to obtain gainful employment with Haynes while still residing on the Hope Alive campus and continuing his recovery goals.

    Since entering the program Mr. Sewell has shown tremendous growth as a godly man; reunited with his wife and child; and continues to remain a faithful husband; loving father; committed church member; and a responsible working citizen of the community. All of these characteristics fulfills the goal and mission of Hope Alive Transformational Ministries hopefully for all residents.

    In October of 2021, an opening became available within the ministry for a full-time resident supervisor position and Mr. Sewell applied and was accepted. He began his duties on October 11th and continues to serve the ministry as an important part of the staff at Hope Alive. He is scheduled to graduate and complete his one-year recovery goal as a resident on January 15th, 2022.

    We'd like to take this opportunity to not only congratulate him on his tremendous accomplishment but also thank all of YOU...individuals; churches; businesses and organizations; that have continued to encourage; support; participate and enable Hope Alive to exist and serve God and people in our communities as lives are being changed; families restored; and restoration takes place!


    The Hope Alive Ministries Team

  • With Sincere Appreciation!

    In awe, praise, and with lots of appreciation for all that have stepped up and supported Hope Alive Ministries

    .... not only all year long.... but with extra loving care here at Christmas.

    So many have reached out .... and our residents got to enjoy the holidays so not only is God

       changing lives and reconciling families.... He is also bringing together communities; individuals; churches; businesses; and organizations .... all working together in unity to be HIS hands and feet!

    Once again, thanks so much for being such a huge part of what God is doing at HOPE ALIVE and 

    May God bless you and yours today and always!


    from all of us here at